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Contents : The Evangelical Review
of Theology and Politics Vol. 9, 2021

The Evangelical Review

of Theology & Politics

Volume 9, 2021

VOL. 9, 2021


Article: 2021-01
Dennis Greeson
Theosis in the Thought of Herman Bavinck?:
Thomas F. Torrance’s Reconstruction of the Doctrine
and its Promise for Bavinck’s Theology.’

|| Herman Bavinck || Thomas F. Torrance || Theosis ||
|| Nature and Grace || Union with Christ ||

Central to understanding Herman Bavinck’s creation ontology is
the dictum “grace restores and perfects nature.” The sec-
ond half of this, namely that God’s work of grace aims to
lead creation towards its perfection, is often neglected
in articulations of Bavinck’s theology. To help under-
score the importance of this perfecting work, with its
soteriological and eschatological dimensions, this
essay proposes that there is a fundamental similarity
between this element of Bavinck’s thought and the
doctrine of theosis. To that end, this essay examines
Thomas F. Torrance’s doctrine of theosis, as a facet of his
broader trinitarian theology, to highlight that not only do
Bavinck and Torrance bear some surprising similarities, but also
Torrance provides language helpful to re-examine Bavinck’s eschatological
anthropology in light of the category of theosis.

Uploaded/Published : January 1, 2021 | ERTP Vol 9, 2021, pages, A1-16

Dan Martin,
‘Let the Simple Learn Wisdom:
Difficulties in Constructing a Biblical Theology’
of the Proverbs’

||  Biblical Theology ||  Wisdom Literature ||  New Testament use of the Old Testament ||
 Old Testament Theology ||  Inter-Textuality ||

This paper argues that a robust Biblical theology of the book of Proverbs is lacking, even amidst the swelling Biblical theology literature of recent decades. A survey of contemporary trends in Biblical theology with respect to the Proverbs reveals two broad approaches, both of which struggle – in distinct ways – to deal precisely with the text of Proverbs as it is situated within the canon. This paper will offer a limited critique of these broader trends before focusing on the foundational issue of how to establish inductively-derived categories in Biblical theology. The paper concludes by outlining the steps towards the construction of a Biblical theology of the Proverbs which is both robustly exegetical and richly inter-textual.

Uploaded/Published : January 9, 2021 | ERTP Vol 9, 2021, pages, A17-36

Bolaji Fapohunda,
‘The Role of Personal Integrity in Soulwinning:
A Systematic Review of the Theological Literature’

||  Evangelisn ||  Church Growth ||  Christian Character ||
 Discipleship ||  Spiritual Development ||  Christian Leader||

Soulwinning is amongst the believer’s most important responsibilities. Its effectiveness, however, depends on the perceived integrity of the message and the messenger. Understanding this nexus is critical for improving the results of soulwinning and growing the Church locally, nationally, and globally. Using a systematic review of the theological literature, this paper sheds light on this nexus.

Twenty-six articles were selected for review based on their availability, language (English), relevance and year of publication (2010-2020). The thesis offered by these articles were summarized, synthesized, and the results utilized to articulate key insights on the role of personal integrity in soulwinning

Five components of integrity and seven postulates of the pathways from integrity to soulwinning and Church growth were identified from the systematic review. The study reveals that all five integrity components: namely behavioural, sexual, financial, scriptural, and statistical integrity, are important for soulwinning, for discipleship and for long-term mentorship. Believers who incorporate these five components into their day-to-day life will be more result oriented soulwinners than those who possess little or none of these characteristics. The seven ostulates presented offer valuable insights for further work on the subject

Uploaded/Published : June 28, 2021 | ERTP Vol 9, 2021, pages, A37-54

Daniel Kirkpatrick,
‘Toward a Constructed Theology of Personality:
Human Personality Explored in Light of Redemption History’

||   Personality ||  Soul ||  Theology of Personality  ||
 Dichotomy and Trichotomy  ||  Redemption History ||

Recent interest in human personality (as evidenced by such tests as the Enneagram and MBTI profiles) has been met with relative silence from the theological community. Generally viewed solely as a matter for psychologists, theologians have missed the opportunity to analyze theologically the nature of being in terms of personality. This article attempts to bridge such a gap in literature with view to argue for the inclusion of personality within the Greek terms πνεῦμα and ψυχή. It will further examine how human personality fits within redemption history, exploring its creation, distortion, redemption, and glorification.

Uploaded/Published : August 10, 2021 | ERTP Vol 9, 2021, pages, A55-70



The Case For & Against” II

The main authors attempt to refute the others conclusions …

Published last year, the essays explored the Question of Homosexuality: each, here is given the opportunity to refute the other.

Stephen M. Vantassel  ||  David Martin  ||  Brian Huffling & Thomas J. Gentry

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The Evangelical Review

Copyright 2013 © King's Divinity Press © King's Evangelical Divinity School and © Ash Design


Review: 2021-01
Forster, G., & Cross, A. R. (eds),
Human flourishing: Economic wisdom for a
fruitful Christian vision of the good life.
Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2020,

Reviewed by
Stephen M. Vantassel.

Uploaded/Published : January 1, 2021 | ERTP Vol 9, 2021,
pages, BR1-4

Review: 2021-02
Thomas Kidd,
Who is an Evangelical?:
The History of a Movement in Crisis.
New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2020.

Reviewed by
Geoffrey Butler

Uploaded/Published : January 1, 2021 | ERTP Vol 9, 2021,
pages, BR5-8.

Review: 2021-03
Richard Bauckham,
Who Is God?
Key Moments of Biblical Revelation.
Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Publishing, 2020

Reviewed by
Cathryn Carmichael.

Uploaded/Published : January 1, 2021 | ERTP Vol 9, 2021,
pages, BR9-10.

Review: 2021-04
James B. Jordan
Christendom and the Nations.
West Monroe, LA: Theopolis Books, Athanasius Press, 2019

Reviewed by
Jonathan Ashbach.

Uploaded/Published : January 1, 2021 | ERTP Vol 9, 2021,
pages, BR11-14.

Review: 2021-05
Scot McKnight and B. J. Oropeza, eds.
Perspectives on Paul: Five Views.
Contributors: John M.G. Barclay, A. Andrew Das,
James D. G. Dunn, Brant Pitre, and Magnus Zetterholm.
Reviewed by Cathryn Carmichael.

Uploaded/Published : January 20, 2021 | ERTP Vol 9, 2021,
pages, BR15-18.

The Evangelical Review, Vol.1, (2013)

The Evangelical Review, Vol.2, (2014)

TER Vol. 2, (2014) ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ Conference Papers

The Evangelical Review, Vol. 3, (2015)

TER Vol. 3, (2015) ‘Christianity & Culture’ Conference Papers

The Evangelical Review, Vol. 4, (2016)

The Evangelical Review, Vol. 5, (2017)

TER Vol. 5, (2017) ‘Purge the Old Leaven’ Essay Series

The Evangelical Review, Vol. 6, (2018)

The Evangelical Review, Vol. 7, (2019)

The Evangelical Review, Vol. 8, (2020)

TER Vol. 8, (2020) ‘Homosexuality:
The Case For & Against’ Essay Series

The Evangelical Review, Vol. 9, (2021)

The Evangelical Review, Vol. 10, (2022)

The Evangelical Review, Vol. 11, (2023)

The Evangelical Review, Vol. 12, (2024)



Review: 2021-06
Brad D. Strawn and Warren S. Brown.

Enhancing Christian Life:
How Extended Cognition Augments Religious Community.
Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2020.
Reviewed by Viktor J. Tóth.

Uploaded/Published : February 20, 2021 | ERTP Vol 9, 2021,
pages, BR19-22.

Review: 2021-07
Geoffrey H. Fulkerson & Joel Thomas Chopp (Editors)..

Science and the Doctrine of Creation:
The Approaches of Ten Modern Theologians.
IVP Academic, Downers Grove, IL. March 2021.
Reviewed by Matt Wong.

Uploaded/Published : August 6, 2021 | ERTP Vol 9, 2021,
pages, BR23-26.

Review: 2021-08
W. Ross Hastings.

Theological Ethics:
The Moral Life of the Gospel in Contemporary Context
Grand Rapids: Zondervan Academic, 2021.
Reviewed by Forrest H. Buckner.

Uploaded/Published : September 15, 2021 | ERTP Vol 9, 2021,
pages, BR27-30.

Review: 2021-09
David Jenkins.

The Word Explored:
The Problem of Biblical Illiteracy & What to Do about It
Ontario: House to House Press, 2021.
Reviewed by Charles Schmitz.

Uploaded/Published : October 29, 2021 | ERTP Vol 9, 2021,
pages, BR31-34.

The Evangelical Review ~ Vol. 9, 2021

Contents ~ Pagination


Dennis Greeson


Dan Martin


Bolaji Fapohunda




Essay Series
The Case For & Against”

Responses & Rebuttals
Vantassel, Martin,
Huffling & Gentry


Review Articles

Book Reviews

Review of Forster & Cross


Review of Kidd


Review of Bauckham


Review of Jordan


Review of Carmichael


Review of Strawn & Brown


Review of Fulkerson & Chopp


Review of Ross Hastings

BR 27-30

Review of Jenkins
