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Contents : The Evangelical Review
of Theology and Politics Vol. 4, 2016

VOL. 4, 2016


Kyle R. Greenwood, ‘The Dissent of Man: Evangelicals and Evolution Nine Decades After Scopes’

||  Biblical Interpretation ||  Bible and Science ||  Darwin ||
||  Scopes Monkey Trial ||  Flood Geology ||  American Scientific Affiliation ||

When Charles Darwin first published On the Origin of Species in 1859, evangelicals met his theory of gradation by natural selection with mixed reviews. Over fifty years later evangelicals remained unsettled on the effects of Darwin’s evolutionary theory on Christian anthropology. The diversity of opinions within evangelicalism were no more apparent than with the publication of The Fundamentals in 1917. While one of the purposes of the four-volume collection of essays was “to combat the inroads of liberalism,” the inclusion of three distinct viewpoints on evolution demonstrates that in the first quarter of the twentieth century evolutionary theory and evangelical theology were not yet seen as competing worldviews. This all changed drastically, however, in 1925 as a consequence of the so-called Scopes Monkey Trial. Although William Jennings Bryan successfully prosecuted John Scopes for violating Tennessee’s Butler Act which prohibited the teaching of evolution in public school, defense attorney Clarence Darrow deftly shifted the focus of the trial from Scopes to the compatibility of the Bible with Science. The Scopes Trial became a watershed moment whereby evolutionary theory came to be seen as conflicting with evangelicalism.

Uploaded/Published : March 11, 2016 | ERTP Vol 4, 2016, pages, A1-14

David Graham, ‘What Modernity gets Wrong and the Classical Tradition got Right: A Critique of Bruce L. McCormack’s Theology’

||  Bruce L McCormack ||  Karl Barth ||  Kenosis ||
||  Metaphysics & Theology ||  Christology ||  Immanent & Economic Trinity ||

This essay analyzes and critiques Bruce L. McCormack’s post-metaphysical theology, including his development of a so-called Reformed doctrine of kenosis. This critique is then utilized as an opportunity to highlight some missteps that modern theology—represented by certain forms of kenoticism—tends to make. The essay concludes with an endorsement of an alternative paradigm for doctrines of kenosis, one commonly found implicit in the premodern tradition. It urges Christian thinkers to balance two values in their theology: on the one hand, the contingency of creation and redemption upon divine freedom, and on the other, the fittingness of the economy of salvation with the divine nature.

Uploaded/Published : May 24, 2016 | ERTP Vol 4, 2016, pages, A15-28

Anthony Williams, ‘Christian Socialism? A Critical Evaluation of Christian Socialist Theology’

||  Christian Socialism ||  Social Gospel ||  Liberation Theology ||
||  Politics ||  Political Theology ||  Eisegesis ||

Despite the more obvious associations between Christianity and right-wing politics, left-wing Christianity does exist in various forms, one of which is the Christian Socialism of Britain. This paper draws on British Christian Socialism from the late-Nineteenth to mid-Twentieth Century – a formative period, following from the paternalistic “Christian Socialism” of Maurice and others, coinciding with the formation of the British Labour Party, and leading up to the formation of the Christian Socialist Movement (now Christians on the Left) in 1960. Christian Socialism is shown to be drawn from Christian theological thought, including Scripture, church teaching, and the sacraments. Christian Socialism's key concepts – equality, collectivism and democracy – are drawn from the core concept of human brotherhood, itself drawn from the notion of God’s universal Fatherhood. However, this foundation of Christian Socialism in theological thought is deeply flawed, the result of misinterpretation, misapplication and eisegesis. Biblical warnings against the wresting and twisting of Scripture and against the preaching of any false gospel are therefore to be taken into account, indicating that Christian Socialism may not be Christian at all.

Uploaded/Published : November 15, 2016 | ERTP Vol 4, 2016, pages, A29-44

Elvira King, ‘Politics and Religion in the European Union:
Christian Zionist Advocacy in Brussels’

||  Brussels-Based Christian Zionist Advocacy ||  EU Normative Values ||
||  Offensive and Defensive Lobbying ||  Holocaust Memorial Day ||
 San Remo Initiative ||

Recent research has shown that European Christian Zionism is a numerically small, but vigorous, movement that has existed for a number of decades in Europe. By focusing on the European Coalition for Israel (ECI) this article demonstrates that Brussels provides a politically conducive environment for politico-religious lobby groups, where the ECI employs both defensive and offensive strategy in its pro-Israel campaigns. Whilst its lobbying regarding the two-state solution remains largely unsuccessful, its contributions to fighting antisemitism are substantial, thus confirming that successful lobbying by politico-religious organizations in Brussels is conditioned by the EU’s normative values.

Uploaded/Published : November 24, 2016 | ERTP Vol 4, 2016, pages, A45-58


The Evangelical Review of Theology and Politics
ERTP Forum : The Church, Evangelism, and the Political in Countries of the Western Pacific Rim

P.H. Brazier, Timothy T.N. Lim, Yuxiao Su, Amos Yong, Henry Kuo, and Pascal Bazzell.

Uploaded/Published : October 19, 2016 | ERTP Vol 4, 2016,
pages, EF1-28


Review Article
Revelation and the Political in the 21st Century: A Review Essay

J. Nelson Kraybill, Apocalypse & Allegiance: Worship, Politics & Devotion in the Book of Revelation.

Michael J. Gorman, Reading Revelation Responsibly: Uncivil Worship & Witness Following the Lamb into the New Creation.

Ryan Leif Hansen, Silence and Praise: Rhetorical Cosmology and Political Theology in the Book of Revelation.

Stephen D. Moore, Untold Tales from the Book of Revelation: Sex and Gender, Empire and Ecology.

Lynne St. Clair Darden, Scripturalizing Revelation: An African American Postcolonial Reading of Empire.

||  Political Theology ||  Revelation ||  Apocalypse ||
||  Biblical Hermeneutics ||  Postcolonial Studies ||  Evangelical Interpretation  ||

Reviewed by Amos Yong

Uploaded/Published : January 20, 2016 | ERTP Vol 4, 2016, pages, RA1-10.

Review Article
C.S. Lewis and John Calvin: Heaven and Hell, Choice and Damnation,
Freedom and Responsibility

Darren Oldridge, The Devil: A Very Short Introduction

Joel Buenting (ed.), The Problem of Hell: A Philosophical Anthology

Jordan C. Ferrier, Calvin and C.S. Lewis: Solving the Riddle of the Reformation

||  John Calvin ||  C.S. Lewis ||  Salvation-Damnation ||  Individual Responsibility ||
||  Paradox-Dialectic ||  Reformation Soteriology ||  Hell  ||

Reviewed by P.H. Brazier

Uploaded/Published : June 15, 2016 | ERTP Vol 4, 2016, pages, RA11-24.


John M.G. Barclay, Paul and the Gift, Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2015.
Reviewed by Walter Lamberti.

Uploaded/Published : February 16, 2016 | ERTP Vol 4, 2016, pages, BR1-2.

Timothy Sherrat, Power made Perfect, Eugene OR: Cascade, 2016.
Reviewed by Stephen M. Vantassel.

Uploaded/Published : August 5, 2016 | ERTP Vol 4, 2016, pages, BR3-6.

James K. A. Smith, You Are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habit, Grand Rapids, MI: BrazosPress, Baker Publishing Group, 2016.
Reviewed by Ashley Staggs-Kay.

Uploaded/Published : October 8, 2016 | ERTP Vol 4, 2016, pages, BR7-10.

Robert H. Stein, Jesus, The Temple, and the Coming Son of Man:
A Commentary on Mark 13
, Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP Academic, 2014.
Reviewed by Anthony Royle.

Uploaded/Published : November 15, 2016 | ERTP Vol 4, 2016, pages, BR11-14.


Note, page numbering is chronological, and is unique to each section, that is, each form of material. The first article to be published each year will be pp. A.1-12 (for instance); the second article pp. A.13-29, and so on. Page numbers for articles are prefaced by
a capital A. (and so on)—


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The Evangelical Review

of Theology & Politics

Volume 4, 2016

The Evangelical Review, Vol.1, (2013)

The Evangelical Review, Vol.2, (2014)

TER Vol. 2, (2014) ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ Conference Papers

The Evangelical Review, Vol. 3, (2015)

TER Vol. 3, (2015) ‘Christianity & Culture’ Conference Papers

The Evangelical Review, Vol. 4, (2016)

The Evangelical Review, Vol. 5, (2017)

TER Vol. 5, (2017) ‘Purge the Old Leaven’ Essay Series

The Evangelical Review, Vol. 6, (2018)

The Evangelical Review, Vol. 7, (2019)

The Evangelical Review, Vol. 8, (2020)

TER Vol. 8, (2020) ‘Homosexuality:
The Case For & Against’ Essay Series

The Evangelical Review, Vol. 9, (2021)

The Evangelical Review, Vol. 10, (2022)

The Evangelical Review, Vol. 11, (2023)

The Evangelical Review, Vol. 12, (2024)


The Evangelical Review ~ Vol. 4, 2016

Contents ~ Pagination


Kyle R. Greenwood


David Graham


Anthony Williams


Elvira King


ERTP Forum

Forum on WPR


Review Articles

Amos Yong


P.H. Brazier


Book Reviews

Review of Barclay


Review of Sherrat


Review of Smith


Review of Stein


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